Thursday, October 30, 2014

Book #2 and Other updates

I met with the publisher the other day to talk about my second book. They are prepared to publish the book in May of this next year. I have quite a few things to do by the end of the year, like pick out the cover and get the final manuscript to them. It's a very exciting time.

One thing I would like to do differently this time is have 2-3 people proofread the book before I send it in, and then again before agreeing to the final proof. Extra eyes are beneficial, and there might be a free book in it for the readers.

I've also put in an application to join a fire department. I am very excited to see how that goes, and hopefully get accepted. The longer I have been around people on various departments, the more it has interested me. Can you tell? I've written two books connected to the industry now :) The initial training might take me away from doing so many events, but once I get my certifications, I'll be able to do more again.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Long time, no see

I didn't realize how long it's been since I've updated here. This is my favorite time of year, and I tend to stay rather busy. We just got back from a nice little vacation. Brian and I went to Vegas for a few days. I don't think the boys missed us too much, but they were happy to get gifts :)

This weekend starts another round of book events for me. Saturday I am going to be at the St. Cloud Armory for a fall craft and vendor show. I hope it's a good sales day. The next weekend, I am going to be at Generations Ballroom in Kimball for another show. I also have 3 library events in November. Richmond on the 3rd, The White Rabbit Cafe (Cold Spring Library event), and the St. Cloud library on the 17th.

I haven't done a whole lot of writing, but plan on working on the next story some more. I think my 'writer's block' is a little show called True Blood, and once I finally finish the series, I will be able to focus. I've been thinking about the story frequently, so I do have some ideas to work with at least.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday Weekend Special!

I am celebrating my birthday on Saturday and wanted to offer a sale on my book. This weekend only, you can order my book for $10 instead of the usual $14.95. I will also honor this at my events this weekend. I will add the link for the sales price tonight when I get home from work.

*Updated @ 6 pm. This little button below was a bugger to get on here. I will keep it available until Monday morning, and then my special price will be gone :)